Hey there 👋
I'm Tommerty
Frontend developer and builder of things
Welcome to my portfolio. Here you'll find my projects, what I can do, and what I hope to do in the future using many different technologies at Gezel.io

What I do

As a frontend developer, my primary focus is on user experience and design. I love to create beautiful and intuitive user interfaces that are easy to use and look great. This can be anything from a landing page talking about a project, to creating a full web app.

I also have a lot of experience in using frameworks and libraries such as React, Express, and Svelte. I've also worked with many different languages such as Typescript, Ruby and Javascript.

As someone who's always running and upgrading their home lab, I love playing with things that other users have created. With the power and knowledge of Docker, I can easily spin up a great forum, cloud storage solution, or even a game server.

I also have experience with WordPress and was even a tehcnical support agent for the largest WordPress hosting company in the world, so I know my way around the platform.

I'm also a support engineer at GitHub, so working with Git and GitHub is something I do every day.
Current live projects at Gezel.io
Small personal projects

Things I've done but are no longer live

Truth be told, I've built a lot of cool stuff that's just not available online anymore. There's so much to remember, but here's a few things I can remember off the top of my head.
  • - Forum site previously used for a FiveM server with Discord integration
  • - A Discord bot that posted live notifications for any streamers on YouTube or Twitch, which also would auto delete once the streamer was offline
  • - A Twitch Team website where a user could input their Twitch Team name and it'd render all current streamers from the team live
  • - Custom and self hosted automation tools and uptime checkers
Nothing is ever impossible. If you have an idea, I can make it happen.
© 2023 Tommerty.click